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Content Policy has taken a pledge to support the safety of our members by promoting respect and transparency and prohibiting discrimination, harassment, fraud and other forms of misconduct and illegal behavior.

This policy applies to all content (e.g. photos, job posts, reviews, profiles) posted to the platform by our members or visitors to the site. By posting any content, you agree to abide by this policy. Violations of this policy, of our Terms of Use or any other terms or policy on our platform may result in your content being taken down or account closure. If we remove your content or close your account, you will be notified by email.

The following content is not allowed on our platform: (i) Derogatory & Graphic Content, (ii) Harassment & Violence, (iii) Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, (iv) Adult & Sexual Content, (v) Regulated Goods & Services, (vi) Fraud & Account Integrity, and (vii) Misinformation.

Derogatory & Graphic Content:

  • Derogatory Content: Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, age, veteran status, or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization. This includes the use of hate speech, slurs and content promoting hate groups or hate group paraphernalia.
  • Profanity: Content that contains profanity or obscene language.
  • Shocking Content: Content that contains violent or graphic imagery.
  • Animal Cruelty: Content that promotes or portrays cruelty or violence towards animals.

Harassment & Violence:

  • Bullying & Harassment: Content that harasses, intimidates, or bullies an individual or group of individuals. This may also include content that shares personally identifiable information in order to promote fraud, identity theft, harm or harassment.
  • Suicide & Self Injury: Content that references suicide, suicidal thoughts or ideation, or depicts and instances of self-harm or self-injury.
  • Inciting Violence: Content that threatens or advocates for the physical or mental harm of others. This includes content advocating for self-harm, threatening someone with real-life harm, and promoting violence against others.

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse:

  • Child Sexual Abuse Materials: Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) refers to any sexualized material of a young person. It includes both depictions of sexual abuse of young people, as well as the sexualization of young people. Please note: all instances of CSAM are reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).
  • Child Nudity: Content that depicts children’s private parts or exposed chest regardless of gender or gender identity. For example, images of children in diapers or bathing suits.
  • Non-Sexual Child Abuse: Content that promotes, references or depicts non-sexual child abuse, such as other forms of physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect or abandonment.
  • Sexual Misconduct: Content that contains sexual advances or is otherwise sexual in nature. Examples include, but are not limited to: requests or pressure for sexual acts or dates, inappropriate teasing, jokes, remarks, comments, innuendos, or questions about sexual preferences or history, and any other communications of a sexual nature. This also includes ‘sextortion’ or threatening to share non-consensual explicit imagery (also known as NCEI).
  • Grooming: Building a trusting relationship with a young person for the purpose of sexual exploitation or abuse. Grooming may occur both online and in-person. Grooming may also include the solicitation or provision of sexually explicit materials from or to a child, as well as attempting to arrange a private meeting with a child without parental consent.
  • Human Trafficking: Content that promotes or facilitates human trafficking, sex trafficking, the sale of children or illegal adoption, labor exploitation, domestic servitude, or human smuggling. Please note: all instances of human trafficking are reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

Adult & Sexual Content:

  • Nudity: Depictions of full or partial nudity, including depictions of private parts, reproductive organs, and exposed chests regardless of gender or gender identity. Sexually Suggestive Content: Sexually suggestive content is content that is not explicitly sexual in nature (i.e. does not depict nudity or graphic sex acts), but is nevertheless implicitly sexual. This may include, but is not limited to: sexualized posing, emphasizing intimate body parts, sexual facial expressions, as well as allusions to sexual activity such as references to objects and materials associated with sexual activity. Implied nudity (where the viewer is unable to discern whether or not the subject of the image is nude) is also in scope of this policy.
  • Compensated Sexual Acts: Content that may be interpreted as promoting or soliciting a sexual act in exchange for compensation. This includes references to prostitution, escort services, intimate massages, and ‘sugar’ dating arrangements.

Regulated Goods & Services:

  • Firearms and weapons: Content that depicts or references firearms, firearms accessories, firearm parts, ammunition, explosives, or bladed weapons.
  • Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco: Content that depicts or promotes recreational use of drugs (including controlled narcotics or marijuana), alcohol or tobacco.
  • Regulated & Unsupported Services: Care does not allow regulated services to be promoted or solicited on the platform. Examples include, but are not limited to: legal services, financial services, treatment for mental health and/or addiction, family planning services such as surrogacy, foster care, and adoption services, or property management services. We are also unable to support users looking for roommates, dates, or assistance with crowdsourcing initiatives.

Fraud & Account Integrity:

  • Fraud: Content that provides fraudulent, false, misleading or deceptive information.This includes, among other things, impersonating someone else or misrepresenting your identity, misrepresenting one’s qualifications, providing false references, fraudulent check scams, credit card fraud or purchases with stolen financial information or theft of other personally identifiable information.
  • Certain Personal Information: Do not post government issued identification such as a passport or driver’s license or financial account information or other sensitive personal information.


  • False Claims: Content that appears to promote blatantly false information will be rejected. For example, the promotion of unproven or unsubstantiated claims regarding the prevention or treatment of medical ailments, which contradict authoritative medical consensus and may result in imminent harm, serious injury or death.


  • Content that is for a purpose other than the purpose for which the platform is intended.