Tutors in Killay South

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Sue M.
  • From £25 /hr
  • Killay South
The price mentioned is for tutoring. I charge £12 per hour for Nannying.
| Experience teaching French, English Creative Writing and English ESOL with Maths, Art at all levels individually, in groups and public workshops, Nanny experience since 2012 part-time.
... more
  • From £25 /hr
  • Killay South
The price mentioned is for tutoring. I charge £12 per hour for Nannying.
| Experience teaching French, English Creative Writing and English ESOL with Maths, Art at all levels individually, in groups and public workshops, Nanny experience since 2012 part-time.
... more
From £25 per hour \
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Tutors in Killay South

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