Tutors in City of Plymouth

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Ella P.
1 Verification
  • From £13 /hr
  • City of Plymouth
1 Verification
22 year old International relations graduate
| Hi my name is Ella and I am looking for part time work tutoring English. I achieved A* English language at GCSE
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  • From £13 /hr
  • City of Plymouth
22 year old International relations graduate
| Hi my name is Ella and I am looking for part time work tutoring English. I achieved A* English language at GCSE
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From £13 per hour \
Niamh M.
  • From £8 /hr
  • City of Plymouth
Tutor available in Plymouth
| Hello! My name is Niamh, I am an 18 year old student studying Biology who has plentiful amounts of experience in tutoring people. I have tutored people since I was 16 through my former school, Plymouth High School for Girls. I also have a 14 year old sister who I help.
... more
  • From £8 /hr
  • City of Plymouth
Tutor available in Plymouth
| Hello! My name is Niamh, I am an 18 year old student studying Biology who has plentiful amounts of experience in tutoring people. I have tutored people since I was 16 through my former school, Plymouth High School for Girls. I also have a 14 year old sister who I help.
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From £8 per hour \
Naia B.
  • From £9 /hr
  • City of Plymouth
Basic language tutor
| I have a lot of patience and will to help people learn new languages. I know how hard it is to master a language and I have a lot of support and experience With this. I spent a year tutoring a boy (age 17) who only knew Turkish, go speak English to an understandable level. We are still close friends and he texts me in English from Turkey. Languages are very important and I am willing to help anyone.
... more
  • From £9 /hr
  • City of Plymouth
Basic language tutor
| I have a lot of patience and will to help people learn new languages. I know how hard it is to master a language and I have a lot of support and experience With this. I spent a year tutoring a boy (age 17) who only knew Turkish, go speak English to an understandable level. We are still close friends and he texts me in English from Turkey. Languages are very important and I am willing to help anyone.
... more
From £9 per hour \
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Tutors in City of Plymouth

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