Tutors in Kerrier

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Natasha R.
1 Verification Hired 2 times
  • From £8 /hr
  • Kerrier
1 Verification Hired 2 times
German, Malaysian, Sri Lankan here with a degree in Creative Writing.
| While I don't have any tutoring experience, my first languages are German and English, and I have a degree in Creative Writing. Not to mention I have been a dance instructor for 6 years now. I am more than capable of merging my experiences as a bilingual child, my English degree, and my teaching experience to give you unique and creative tutoring sessions!
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  • From £8 /hr
  • Kerrier
German, Malaysian, Sri Lankan here with a degree in Creative Writing.
| While I don't have any tutoring experience, my first languages are German and English, and I have a degree in Creative Writing. Not to mention I have been a dance instructor for 6 years now. I am more than capable of merging my experiences as a bilingual child, my English degree, and my teaching experience to give you unique and creative tutoring sessions!
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From £8 per hour \
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Tutors in Kerrier

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