Tutors in Wakefield

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Brooke C.
  • From £30 /hr
  • Wakefield
English/Music/ Maths Tutor
| Hello my name is Brooke and I’m a 19 years old.I have a grade 9 in both maths and English and I am on grade 7 piano. I have tutored teenagers as old as 18. I love teaching new things, and have been told I make maths and English a lot easier to Interpret for young teens. I set tasks each week for them to do, and we go over it, and see what questions they felt were difficult and why. In class we go over mock papers to see which questions will earn more points then others and also how to structure questions. As a part time tutor I notice teens tend to doubt themselves and give themselves less credit the they deserve, maths is suppose to catch you out and together we can solve it. The same applies to English it’s mainly formation my students get stuck on.
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  • From £30 /hr
  • Wakefield
English/Music/ Maths Tutor
| Hello my name is Brooke and I’m a 19 years old.I have a grade 9 in both maths and English and I am on grade 7 piano. I have tutored teenagers as old as 18. I love teaching new things, and have been told I make maths and English a lot easier to Interpret for young teens. I set tasks each week for them to do, and we go over it, and see what questions they felt were difficult and why. In class we go over mock papers to see which questions will earn more points then others and also how to structure questions. As a part time tutor I notice teens tend to doubt themselves and give themselves less credit the they deserve, maths is suppose to catch you out and together we can solve it. The same applies to English it’s mainly formation my students get stuck on.
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From £30 per hour \
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Tutors in Wakefield

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