Tutors in Maryhill/Kelvin

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Sherrie H.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Maryhill/Kelvin
As a Primary Teacher, I really enjoyed delivering creative and engaging activities that linked to the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Now that I have left teaching I would love the opportunity to use all the resources I created and skills I developed in a private tutoring setting. I don't have any direct private tutoring experience but I am confident in my ability to build positive relationships with children and understanding how to best meet their learning needs in a way that interests them. I was able to deliver learning experiences to classes of over 23 children with a vast range of learning styles and stages of development. This assures me that I would be able to confidently deliver learning activities to children in a much more private and individualized way.
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  • From £12 /hr
  • Maryhill/Kelvin
As a Primary Teacher, I really enjoyed delivering creative and engaging activities that linked to the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Now that I have left teaching I would love the opportunity to use all the resources I created and skills I developed in a private tutoring setting. I don't have any direct private tutoring experience but I am confident in my ability to build positive relationships with children and understanding how to best meet their learning needs in a way that interests them. I was able to deliver learning experiences to classes of over 23 children with a vast range of learning styles and stages of development. This assures me that I would be able to confidently deliver learning activities to children in a much more private and individualized way.
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From £12 per hour \
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Tutors in Maryhill/Kelvin

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