French Tutors in Witney

Get help learning French by finding your ideal tutor - select from 7 French tutors near you.

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Elizabeth G.
  • From £10 /hr
  • West Oxfordshire
Fun but rigorous French tutoring
| I have experience teaching French to a mixture of ages between 11 and 80 (my last tutoring job was working with an 80 year-old man learning French as a beginner). My methods are a mixture of academic and fun as I don't like to make language learning boring but rather informative and rigorous enough to build a solid (but not totally disconnected from the lived context) grounding for the subject. I have lived in France and studied the subject since I was 14, so would say I have a passion as well as experience living in the Francophone world.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • West Oxfordshire
Fun but rigorous French tutoring
| I have experience teaching French to a mixture of ages between 11 and 80 (my last tutoring job was working with an 80 year-old man learning French as a beginner). My methods are a mixture of academic and fun as I don't like to make language learning boring but rather informative and rigorous enough to build a solid (but not totally disconnected from the lived context) grounding for the subject. I have lived in France and studied the subject since I was 14, so would say I have a passion as well as experience living in the Francophone world.
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From £10 per hour \
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French Tutors in Witney

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