English Tutors in Greater Pollok

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Paul M.
  • From £15 /hr
  • Greater Pollok
As a former lecturer in Further Education, I taught Drama and Communications skills to adults in college and in community settings. I graduated in Economics, then later in Drama, before teaching. Having worked in mainstream and in supported learning backgrounds, I have also tutored adults who are lacking in confidence in literacy and numeracy, making this relevant to their needs. Further, I have taught audition skills to mainstream Drama students.
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  • From £15 /hr
  • Greater Pollok
As a former lecturer in Further Education, I taught Drama and Communications skills to adults in college and in community settings. I graduated in Economics, then later in Drama, before teaching. Having worked in mainstream and in supported learning backgrounds, I have also tutored adults who are lacking in confidence in literacy and numeracy, making this relevant to their needs. Further, I have taught audition skills to mainstream Drama students.
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From £15 per hour \
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English Tutors in Greater Pollok

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