Pet Care in Bromley

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When do you need pet care?
Molly S.
1 Verification
  • From £5
  • Bromley
1 Verification
I am kind, caring and confident and love animals of all sizes, shapes and colours.
| My name is Molly S. and I am 19 years old with a full UK drivers licence and have had for 2 years. I have had a range of animals myself and not only love them but also love caring for them. I have experience in looking after and working with animals such as horses, large and small dogs, guinea pigs and cats.
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  • From £5
  • Bromley
I am kind, caring and confident and love animals of all sizes, shapes and colours.
| My name is Molly S. and I am 19 years old with a full UK drivers licence and have had for 2 years. I have had a range of animals myself and not only love them but also love caring for them. I have experience in looking after and working with animals such as horses, large and small dogs, guinea pigs and cats.
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From £5 \
Katie W.
  • From £5
  • Bromley
Pet carer with 6 years experience.
| I have over 3 years experience working in veterinary care, I have 2 years experience working within a cattery as well as a diploma in animal care. I have owned pets all my life and treat every pet as I would my own.
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  • From £5
  • Bromley
Pet carer with 6 years experience.
| I have over 3 years experience working in veterinary care, I have 2 years experience working within a cattery as well as a diploma in animal care. I have owned pets all my life and treat every pet as I would my own.
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From £5 \
  • From £5
  • Bromley
A little about us!
| I'm Emily. I’ve always loved and looked after animals. I grew up in a household of cats and was always looking after my neighbour's dogs, cats, rabbits and hamsters. My husband and I currently have a gorgeous rescue dog called Baloo, and a beautiful tortoiseshell called Elsa (the Disney connection is completely accidental!). I created Social Pet Society since moving to the Kent/Surrey borders. I found it difficult to find flexible dog walking and cat sitting for my own ad-hoc needs, and realised I could help. I am so happy to be able to offer loving pet care to my clients. I am trained in pet first aid, have a full DBS check you can view and I am fully insured. Based just outside Biggin Hill, I am happy to cover key areas such as Bromley, Orpington, Westerham, Oxted, Godstone, Purley and Croydon. I will consider other locations on a case by case basis but may need to apply a mileage surcharge.
... more
  • From £5
  • Bromley
A little about us!
| I'm Emily. I’ve always loved and looked after animals. I grew up in a household of cats and was always looking after my neighbour's dogs, cats, rabbits and hamsters. My husband and I currently have a gorgeous rescue dog called Baloo, and a beautiful tortoiseshell called Elsa (the Disney connection is completely accidental!). I created Social Pet Society since moving to the Kent/Surrey borders. I found it difficult to find flexible dog walking and cat sitting for my own ad-hoc needs, and realised I could help. I am so happy to be able to offer loving pet care to my clients. I am trained in pet first aid, have a full DBS check you can view and I am fully insured. Based just outside Biggin Hill, I am happy to cover key areas such as Bromley, Orpington, Westerham, Oxted, Godstone, Purley and Croydon. I will consider other locations on a case by case basis but may need to apply a mileage surcharge.
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From £5 \
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Pet Care in Bromley

When do you need pet care?