Pet Care in North Norfolk

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Dee B.
1 Verification
  • From £5
  • North Norfolk
1 Verification
DB Pet Services N Walsham Experienced, insured dogs/cats, horses petcare, walks/visits, holiday,
| Trading as db pet services (facebook & yell) based in North Walsham I offer many years experience of petcare pets always being part of the family. I've owned horses, cats, dogs, guinea-pigs, rabbits, rats, chinchilla's, parrots, hamsters, ducks & provide petsitting/holiday cover for the above and more. Obedience & agility trained & competed dogs & I breed & show Cat's & own and worked with horses. I work for a local Petcare/sitting dog walking business & Stables self employed/ fully insured. I can tailor my services to suit your pets individual needs and your requirements, walks, visits, playtimes, cuddles, chores (feeding/waters, litter tray, horses stables/muck picking) etc
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  • From £5
  • North Norfolk
DB Pet Services N Walsham Experienced, insured dogs/cats, horses petcare, walks/visits, holiday,
| Trading as db pet services (facebook & yell) based in North Walsham I offer many years experience of petcare pets always being part of the family. I've owned horses, cats, dogs, guinea-pigs, rabbits, rats, chinchilla's, parrots, hamsters, ducks & provide petsitting/holiday cover for the above and more. Obedience & agility trained & competed dogs & I breed & show Cat's & own and worked with horses. I work for a local Petcare/sitting dog walking business & Stables self employed/ fully insured. I can tailor my services to suit your pets individual needs and your requirements, walks, visits, playtimes, cuddles, chores (feeding/waters, litter tray, horses stables/muck picking) etc
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From £5 \
Ella W.
  • From £5
  • North Norfolk
Love of animal and spending my time helping others
| I have had pets of my own and currently have a dog called Otis. I am currently doing a training course in pet walking and sitting.
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  • From £5
  • North Norfolk
Love of animal and spending my time helping others
| I have had pets of my own and currently have a dog called Otis. I am currently doing a training course in pet walking and sitting.
... more
From £5 \
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Pet Care in North Norfolk

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