Pet Care in Ciliau Aeron

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Kim R.
1 Verification
  • From £2
  • Ciliau Aeron
1 Verification
Pets Loved for You
| I myself have a wide range of animals ... three dogs (pug cross, Jack Russel & a small pony - Rottweiler cross Mastiff), Ferrets, Ring neck Parrot, Kakariki, Finches, Budgie, Goose, Polish Chickens, Bantams, Snake & many fish. I believe people need animals as much as we need them. They fill a void in our lives but sometimes our lives need a little help to care for our animals. This is where I come in.
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  • From £2
  • Ciliau Aeron
Pets Loved for You
| I myself have a wide range of animals ... three dogs (pug cross, Jack Russel & a small pony - Rottweiler cross Mastiff), Ferrets, Ring neck Parrot, Kakariki, Finches, Budgie, Goose, Polish Chickens, Bantams, Snake & many fish. I believe people need animals as much as we need them. They fill a void in our lives but sometimes our lives need a little help to care for our animals. This is where I come in.
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From £2 \
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Pet Care in Ciliau Aeron

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