Pet Care in Caradon

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Tammy N.
  • From £5
  • Caradon
Confident animal carer for household and livestock animals.
| I’ve had animals all my life, from a fish to horses/large livestock. I've done a course on quine studies, Animal management and agriculture studies. In these courses I learnt the science behind the animals and husbandry. I’m confident with all household animals and livestock. Look forward to hearing from you :)
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  • From £5
  • Caradon
Confident animal carer for household and livestock animals.
| I’ve had animals all my life, from a fish to horses/large livestock. I've done a course on quine studies, Animal management and agriculture studies. In these courses I learnt the science behind the animals and husbandry. I’m confident with all household animals and livestock. Look forward to hearing from you :)
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From £5 \
Seren V.
  • From £5
  • Caradon
Great love and enthusiasm for all animals - pet carer
| I have a deep love for animals, it has been like that since I was a little girl. I have always wanted to work with them. I have a lot of experience with many different animals. Dogs (of all sizes), cats, horses, rodents, chickens, fish, exotic animals. I worked at a stables for 4 years, where I gained a lot of knowledge with and about horses. I studied Animal Managment and I was around all the animals mentioned above for long periods of time. I also had work experience in a dog grooming salon for 2 years.
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  • From £5
  • Caradon
Great love and enthusiasm for all animals - pet carer
| I have a deep love for animals, it has been like that since I was a little girl. I have always wanted to work with them. I have a lot of experience with many different animals. Dogs (of all sizes), cats, horses, rodents, chickens, fish, exotic animals. I worked at a stables for 4 years, where I gained a lot of knowledge with and about horses. I studied Animal Managment and I was around all the animals mentioned above for long periods of time. I also had work experience in a dog grooming salon for 2 years.
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From £5 \
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Pet Care in Caradon

When do you need pet care?