Pet Care in Strathtay

Find sitters, walkers or groomers for dogs, cats & more - select from 149 pet sitters near you.

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Lucy S.
  • From £5
  • Strathtay
All round pet care application
| Hi there, my name is Lucy and and I am your standard animal lover. I have experience with both rescue dogs of all sizes and with various issues (medical, behavioural and strength) and puppies. I am looking to trial working with animals on a more professional basis to see if it is something I want to pursue a career. I am confident looking after dogs and cats but am also open to other animals. I love walking and exploring the area and know how important it is to give your pets the best possible care. All the best, Lucy
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  • From £5
  • Strathtay
All round pet care application
| Hi there, my name is Lucy and and I am your standard animal lover. I have experience with both rescue dogs of all sizes and with various issues (medical, behavioural and strength) and puppies. I am looking to trial working with animals on a more professional basis to see if it is something I want to pursue a career. I am confident looking after dogs and cats but am also open to other animals. I love walking and exploring the area and know how important it is to give your pets the best possible care. All the best, Lucy
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From £5 \
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Pet Care in Strathtay

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