Pet Care in North West Dumfries

Find sitters, walkers or groomers for dogs, cats & more - select from 83 pet sitters near you.

When do you need pet care?
Morag H.
1 Verification
  • From £5
  • North West Dumfries
1 Verification
Experienced and loving pet sitter/carer. Experience with disabilities/epilepsy etc.
| I have 30 years experience with rescue animals, dogs, cats, hens and horses. I am a compassionate animal lover and love to ensure their happiness, health and well being at all times.
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  • From £5
  • North West Dumfries
Experienced and loving pet sitter/carer. Experience with disabilities/epilepsy etc.
| I have 30 years experience with rescue animals, dogs, cats, hens and horses. I am a compassionate animal lover and love to ensure their happiness, health and well being at all times.
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From £5 \
Debby E.
1 Verification
  • From £7
  • North West Dumfries
1 Verification
Lover of all animals. large and small.
| I have kept dogs/cats and various small animals myself all my adult life. I have had large dogs like Scottish Deerhounds right down to Jack Russell. And have run a small holding with a variety of animals for some years.
... more
  • From £7
  • North West Dumfries
Lover of all animals. large and small.
| I have kept dogs/cats and various small animals myself all my adult life. I have had large dogs like Scottish Deerhounds right down to Jack Russell. And have run a small holding with a variety of animals for some years.
... more
From £7 \
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Pet Care in North West Dumfries

When do you need pet care?