Dog Sitters in Thrapston

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Chel P.
1 Verification
  • From £5
  • Thrapston
1 Verification
Dog sitter
| Dog owner of a medium sized dog, so any dog visiting our home must be comfortable to mix with another dog. Over 15 years pet sitting experience which led me to have my own dog that is very friendly, especially towards his sibling rabbits. Let your dog have a holiday too.... Overnight stays provided at £15 per night, Day sitting can also be provided too at £12 per day. So why not let your furry best friend come stay with us! Plenty of walks across the fields to and lots of playtime that suits each individual dog will be included, along with companionship, cuddles and affection.
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  • From £5
  • Thrapston
Dog sitter
| Dog owner of a medium sized dog, so any dog visiting our home must be comfortable to mix with another dog. Over 15 years pet sitting experience which led me to have my own dog that is very friendly, especially towards his sibling rabbits. Let your dog have a holiday too.... Overnight stays provided at £15 per night, Day sitting can also be provided too at £12 per day. So why not let your furry best friend come stay with us! Plenty of walks across the fields to and lots of playtime that suits each individual dog will be included, along with companionship, cuddles and affection.
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From £5 \
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Dog Sitters in Thrapston

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