Dog Sitters in Newton-Le-Willows

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Sammie D.
  • From £5
  • St. Helens
You can trust me to take care of your dog, but you cant trust me not to fall in love with then.
| I have always loved dogs, since i was a young age. I have walked my neighbours dogs whilst they were in work and the children were in school. I played with the dogs and gave them the attention they need.
... more
  • From £5
  • St. Helens
You can trust me to take care of your dog, but you cant trust me not to fall in love with then.
| I have always loved dogs, since i was a young age. I have walked my neighbours dogs whilst they were in work and the children were in school. I played with the dogs and gave them the attention they need.
... more
From £5 \
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Dog Sitters in Newton-Le-Willows

When do you need pet care?