Dog Sitters in Newhaven

Need someone to look after your best friend - select from 2,842 dog sitters near you.

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Kyle B.
  • From £7
  • Lewes
I am the best fit for this because I have plenty of experience working around them.
| I am going work with animals as I got some myself and has looked after them over a 7 year period with 2 dogs that I currently have.
... more
  • From £7
  • Lewes
I am the best fit for this because I have plenty of experience working around them.
| I am going work with animals as I got some myself and has looked after them over a 7 year period with 2 dogs that I currently have.
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From £7 \
Georgia L.
  • From £5
  • Lewes
Cautious and loveable
| I have been sitting dogs on the side for about 10 years altogether for friends and family/ family friends. I am experienced with dogs and am a cautious dog carer. I am always alert when is comes to dog behaviours and know dog behaviours meanings. I have always had dogs in my life and I love being around them.
... more
  • From £5
  • Lewes
Cautious and loveable
| I have been sitting dogs on the side for about 10 years altogether for friends and family/ family friends. I am experienced with dogs and am a cautious dog carer. I am always alert when is comes to dog behaviours and know dog behaviours meanings. I have always had dogs in my life and I love being around them.
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From £5 \
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Dog Sitters in Newhaven

When do you need pet care?