I love walking, even in the rain! My own dog can be challenging, and so I know to avoid drama.
I study biology at the University of Sheffield, taking my love of animals to academic standards. I love long distance walks, such as those on my Bronze and Gold Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. With a love for the outdoors and nature, I explore the peak district in my spare time.
From balancing studying for my a-levels with a part-time job in a child care centre, I learnt how to be time efficient and organised. This job required huge responsibility and being switched on at all times to avoid chaos. I was very committed to the job and considered a trustworthy employee. Part of my university degree was in Sydney, Australia. I did child care in a variety of households, with responsibilities including school pick-ups and taking kids to after-school activities. These skills are transferable to dog walking, such that I will be responsible and attentive.
I have great time management, balancing my studies with jobs, sports and household responsibilities. Although some may view walking the dog as a 'chore', it was often my favourite part of the day.
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