Dog Sitters in Buxton

Need someone to look after your best friend - select from 3,651 dog sitters near you.

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Jasmine B.
  • From £5
  • High Peak
I have a small business in dog day care and training, I am fully qualified and trusted by many.
| I have lived around animals my entire life as well as having multiple animal care diplomas to level 4. I have a diploma in canine nutrition and a level 3 in puppy and dog training, working towards my level 4. I am wanting to move towards owning and working for my business full time, but currently still in the start up phase so only working on it part time. I am an easy going and flexible person and I will try my best to help in any way I can.
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  • From £5
  • High Peak
I have a small business in dog day care and training, I am fully qualified and trusted by many.
| I have lived around animals my entire life as well as having multiple animal care diplomas to level 4. I have a diploma in canine nutrition and a level 3 in puppy and dog training, working towards my level 4. I am wanting to move towards owning and working for my business full time, but currently still in the start up phase so only working on it part time. I am an easy going and flexible person and I will try my best to help in any way I can.
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From £5 \
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Dog Sitters in Buxton

When do you need pet care?