Dog Sitters in Bagillt

Need someone to look after your best friend - select from 3,983 dog sitters near you.

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Katrina C.
  • From £5
  • Bagillt East
Time to go walkies
| I have never been employed doing this sort of work before but I have had horses and dogs all my life. German shepherd's I still have 2now. Now I am getting older and have more time I think this sort of work will suit me.i am very friendly. Punctual and I love animals
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  • From £5
  • Bagillt East
Time to go walkies
| I have never been employed doing this sort of work before but I have had horses and dogs all my life. German shepherd's I still have 2now. Now I am getting older and have more time I think this sort of work will suit me.i am very friendly. Punctual and I love animals
... more
From £5 \
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Dog Sitters in Bagillt

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