Pet Care in Dee

Find sitters, walkers or groomers for dogs, cats & more - select from 26 pet sitters near you.

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Anna M.
1 Verification
  • From £5
  • Dee
1 Verification
Loving pet-sitter
| I adore animals and have cared for my own pets my whole life, and have several years experience caring for friends/neighbours cats and dogs - dogs ranging from jack russells to border collies! I have plenty of experience caring for friends’ cats, in addition to providing these pets with medicine when required. My own two cats, Smudge and Maisy are senior cats at age 18 which has given me an understanding of the gentleness and care required in these instances. I’d love to meet you and you pet, so please get in touch! :)
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  • From £5
  • Dee
Loving pet-sitter
| I adore animals and have cared for my own pets my whole life, and have several years experience caring for friends/neighbours cats and dogs - dogs ranging from jack russells to border collies! I have plenty of experience caring for friends’ cats, in addition to providing these pets with medicine when required. My own two cats, Smudge and Maisy are senior cats at age 18 which has given me an understanding of the gentleness and care required in these instances. I’d love to meet you and you pet, so please get in touch! :)
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From £5 \
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Pet Care in Dee

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