Pet Care in Restormel

Find sitters, walkers or groomers for dogs, cats & more - select from 358 pet sitters near you.

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Fil R.
1 Verification
  • From £10
  • Restormel
1 Verification
Experienced dog owner, horse owner, ex-farmer's wife. Love all animals. St Austell but will travel.
| I've owned dogs all my life but only have one dog at the moment. I've worked with horses all my life as well, and as a farmer's wife, I was used to handling farm animals as well. I'm retired and available pretty much all of the time. Available to transport dogs to lovely areas to walk. Sensible. Caring. Good timekeeper.
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  • From £10
  • Restormel
Experienced dog owner, horse owner, ex-farmer's wife. Love all animals. St Austell but will travel.
| I've owned dogs all my life but only have one dog at the moment. I've worked with horses all my life as well, and as a farmer's wife, I was used to handling farm animals as well. I'm retired and available pretty much all of the time. Available to transport dogs to lovely areas to walk. Sensible. Caring. Good timekeeper.
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From £10 \
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Pet Care in Restormel

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