Pet Care in Blaydon-on-Tyne

Find sitters, walkers or groomers for dogs, cats & more - select from 3,615 pet sitters near you.

When do you need pet care?
Leah M.
Hired once
  • From £9
  • Gateshead
Hired once
Walkies With Leah
| I have a wide range of personal experience with animals. I have had family dogs ranging from reactive big dogs to small timid dogs. My experience covers a number of different animals, all with varying needs; including cats, dogs and rodents. Within the last year, I have started walking dogs professionally, which I have purchased insurance for. I am currently employed part time as a barista in a coffee shop, where the hours are extremely flexible; This means I can flex my working hours around any longer stays or dog walking opportunities. If you would like to book with me to look after or walk your fur baby, I would love the opportunity to meet them prior. This is to ensure I get all the information I need and can meet their needs when the time comes. Above all, I will be patient, understanding when first meeting your pets, and will always respect their boundaries when entering their space. I love animals, and hope to provide the best care I can as if they were my own!
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  • From £9
  • Gateshead
Walkies With Leah
| I have a wide range of personal experience with animals. I have had family dogs ranging from reactive big dogs to small timid dogs. My experience covers a number of different animals, all with varying needs; including cats, dogs and rodents. Within the last year, I have started walking dogs professionally, which I have purchased insurance for. I am currently employed part time as a barista in a coffee shop, where the hours are extremely flexible; This means I can flex my working hours around any longer stays or dog walking opportunities. If you would like to book with me to look after or walk your fur baby, I would love the opportunity to meet them prior. This is to ensure I get all the information I need and can meet their needs when the time comes. Above all, I will be patient, understanding when first meeting your pets, and will always respect their boundaries when entering their space. I love animals, and hope to provide the best care I can as if they were my own!
... more
Leah doesn’t start with my cats until February 24. We have met and I found speaking with Leah; very mature and responsible. She has her own business looking after dogs and is very experienced with all animals. I can honestly say I will feel very confident leaving my cats in Leah’s care"
... "more
Reviewed by Sam W.
From £9 \
Sophie G.
  • From £5
  • Gateshead
i would go above and beyond to make sure your pet is cared for and loved !
| i am an extremely driven individual with a love and passion for all animals! i am fully flexible and am able/ capable of caring for, feeding, walking, aswell as anything other necessary tasks of all animals!
... more
  • From £5
  • Gateshead
i would go above and beyond to make sure your pet is cared for and loved !
| i am an extremely driven individual with a love and passion for all animals! i am fully flexible and am able/ capable of caring for, feeding, walking, aswell as anything other necessary tasks of all animals!
... more
From £5 \
Maria P.
  • From £5
  • Gateshead
responsible, stress resistant, active, funny (i believe so:) usually try to do my best. experienced.
| hi, i recently moved and looking for a something as a hobby rather then a business. i just love animals. in general. when i was small i dreamt about having a gift snow white had - power of understanding animals. they say ‘dream carefully and more precisely’ and i was given with the chattiest cat ever. sometimes i am still not sure what he wants from me:) i love all animals, but my heart was taken by cats, once and forever. but i will be happy to look after dogs and smaller friends. i am really meticulous in regards to my own cats - their food, their activity, their health etc. but at the same time i do respect routine other owners and pets have. i have family vet who is actually a friend and she is on call 24/7 and always can give an advice in case of need. i am looking for dogs to walk with, as we both need that :) cats and dogs to look after while their owners are away or busy with work. my experience mostly is related to cats, however i do have some experience in walking dogs (husky). i can’t have my own so far, so i would like to spend at least some time with them. i have experience both as a sitter/walker and as hirer, so i appreciate how it is important to find the right person.
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  • From £5
  • Gateshead
responsible, stress resistant, active, funny (i believe so:) usually try to do my best. experienced.
| hi, i recently moved and looking for a something as a hobby rather then a business. i just love animals. in general. when i was small i dreamt about having a gift snow white had - power of understanding animals. they say ‘dream carefully and more precisely’ and i was given with the chattiest cat ever. sometimes i am still not sure what he wants from me:) i love all animals, but my heart was taken by cats, once and forever. but i will be happy to look after dogs and smaller friends. i am really meticulous in regards to my own cats - their food, their activity, their health etc. but at the same time i do respect routine other owners and pets have. i have family vet who is actually a friend and she is on call 24/7 and always can give an advice in case of need. i am looking for dogs to walk with, as we both need that :) cats and dogs to look after while their owners are away or busy with work. my experience mostly is related to cats, however i do have some experience in walking dogs (husky). i can’t have my own so far, so i would like to spend at least some time with them. i have experience both as a sitter/walker and as hirer, so i appreciate how it is important to find the right person.
... more
From £5 \
Kathryn F.
1 Verification
  • From £10
  • Gateshead
1 Verification
The road to my heart is filled with paw prints!
| I have over 25 years of experience caring for dogs of all ages from puppy to senior, big breeds and small and have built up some very special bonds and relationships along the way! Dogs are my absolute passion and I love nothing more than spending time with them. At the moment I have a full time job but my hours never change, meaning I am available from 4pm weekdays, aIl weekends and school holidays. I have a very secure garden with a high fence making it safe for outdoor play! For longer walks and exciting adventures I live next to The Derwent walk with lots of grassy areas. I also have the woods right on my door step.
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  • From £10
  • Gateshead
The road to my heart is filled with paw prints!
| I have over 25 years of experience caring for dogs of all ages from puppy to senior, big breeds and small and have built up some very special bonds and relationships along the way! Dogs are my absolute passion and I love nothing more than spending time with them. At the moment I have a full time job but my hours never change, meaning I am available from 4pm weekdays, aIl weekends and school holidays. I have a very secure garden with a high fence making it safe for outdoor play! For longer walks and exciting adventures I live next to The Derwent walk with lots of grassy areas. I also have the woods right on my door step.
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From £10 \
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FAQs for finding pet care in Blaydon-on-Tyne

In 2024, how much does it cost to hire a pet care provider in Blaydon-on-Tyne?

The average cost to hire a pet care provider on is £10.00 per hour as of December 2024. This rate will vary depending on the service you need, the number of pets you have, and how often you need care for your pet. Some pet care providers will charge a daily rate if they will be caring for your pet for multiple days at a time.

How can I find a pet care provider near me in Blaydon-on-Tyne?

There are 3,615 pet care providers in Blaydon-on-Tyne, offering a variety of services. You can compare your search results by the type of care you need for your pet. From there, you can identify the pet care providers with the most experience and positive feedback from previous pet parents they have worked with. You can also filter providers by distance from Blaydon-on-Tyne or your postcode. Once you have narrowed down your list of candidates, you can contact them individually to get a sense of who will get along with your pet the best.

What types of pet care services can I find in Blaydon-on-Tyne?

If you are looking for pet care, has a variety of pet care services in Blaydon-on-Tyne such as dog walkers, pet sitters, and dog trainers that can provide the care you need for your pet. Some pet care providers even have medical backgrounds so they can provide specialized care if you need it. You just need to determine whether you want someone to come to your home to take care of your pet or if you want to take them to another home or facility around Blaydon-on-Tyne for the day. From there, it's easier to narrow down the type of pet care services that will work best for you and your pet.
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Pet Care in Blaydon-on-Tyne

When do you need pet care?