Part-time cleaner, part-time germophobe enthusiast with a passion for anything with paws!
Being stuck in the house is hard- especially in these trying times! So let me lighten your load so you can get back to your norm, minus the pressures of looking after your home (you can leave that one to me- it’s a win-win!)
Understandably, likability and trust are two major factors when it comes to letting someone into your family home, as well as great services, of course! I strive to create a friendly and comfortable environment with my clients, as well as offering skilled services too - if a job is worth doing it’s worth doing well or not at all!
I come from a family myself with lots of children and absolutely love spending time with them. I also have several years of experience working with children, so if this was one of your queries then you can query no more!! Be assured that this is no problem what-so-ever (little helpers are always welcome!)
I have past cleaning experience and understand, especially during today’s climate, how important it is to be especially aware and thorough when cleaning. I hope that you can trust me to keep you and your family as safe as hygienically possible, as well as enjoying each other’s company along the way!
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