Cleaning Services in Goodwick

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Teresa B.
  • From £9 /hr
  • Goodwick
Obsessed cleaner an perfectionist xx
| I have worked in many of care homes as a care assistant and housekeeper also having four children at home I have plenty of experience in general housekeeping and maintaining a tidy home. I am a bit of clean freak and love things to look perfect an in order I would love to provide this service to someone else too.
... more
  • From £9 /hr
  • Goodwick
Obsessed cleaner an perfectionist xx
| I have worked in many of care homes as a care assistant and housekeeper also having four children at home I have plenty of experience in general housekeeping and maintaining a tidy home. I am a bit of clean freak and love things to look perfect an in order I would love to provide this service to someone else too.
... more
From £9 per hour \
  • From £12 /hr
  • Goodwick
ResponsibilityComunicable person Friendly
| I worked housekeeper for long time. Boss was happy all the time.
... more
  • From £12 /hr
  • Goodwick
ResponsibilityComunicable person Friendly
| I worked housekeeper for long time. Boss was happy all the time.
... more
From £12 per hour \
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Cleaning Services in Goodwick

How often do you need household help?