Elderly Care in Wellingborough

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Kerri H.
  • From £15 /hr
  • Wellingborough
You won't be disappointed.
| Iv worked for nhs for 25 years. Iv done all types of caring. I'm now working with people with learning disabilities. I'm a very caring chatty person with 30 years experience.
... more
  • From £15 /hr
  • Wellingborough
You won't be disappointed.
| Iv worked for nhs for 25 years. Iv done all types of caring. I'm now working with people with learning disabilities. I'm a very caring chatty person with 30 years experience.
... more
From £15 per hour \
Akanshi J.
  • From £12 /hr
  • Wellingborough
A 25 years young women who can be a part of long talks and helps in day to day work
| A 25 years young women who can be a part of long talks and helps in motivating them and encouraging them to live life king size!
... more
  • From £12 /hr
  • Wellingborough
A 25 years young women who can be a part of long talks and helps in day to day work
| A 25 years young women who can be a part of long talks and helps in motivating them and encouraging them to live life king size!
... more
From £12 per hour \
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Elderly Care in Wellingborough

When do you need elderly care?