Valeria S.
I first got in touch with Zeenat through this web site, she sounded reliable and trustworty.
She always replied to my messages very promptly.
She told me she had good references for the role I was looking for.
I then met her and again she assured me again she had good references indeed. During our conversation, we agreed on our first trial with my children. Rigt after we met, she sent me an email with 3 names n mobile numbers - I then asked for their written references and landline numbers for more secure contact details.
And it was then that she didn't replied to me anymore and after 3 days she showed up again - very peacefully - and sent me an email telling me that she did have written references but she was not interested in this job anymore.
That's totally fine to me of course but I believe she didn't prove any reliability at all. For your information.