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Rorii D.
SE4, Lewisham, London
From £8 /hr
year exp.
From £8
Hourly rate

About Rorii

40 years old
As a dog walker I have skills to ensure the well-being and safety of the dogs. I have know of different dog breeds, and how to care for them. I able to control and manage dogs on walks with basic commands and training techniques can help maintain discipline and ensure a positive experience. I stick to a schedule and coordinate multiple walks throughout the day is essential to ensure that all dogs receive the exercise and attention needed. I communicate with dog owners, understand their instructions and and provide updates on the dog's behaviour or any concerns. situations may arise during walks, such as encounters with other dogs or potential hazards. I react quickly and handle these situations calmly and responsibly.

Experience caring for

Small dogs < 20 lbs
Medium dogs: 20-45 lbs

Services and pricing

Price per session

Walking £8 / walk