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Robbie W.
EH3, Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart, Edinburgh
From £12 /hr
year exp.
From £12
Hourly rate

About Robbie

38 years old
Good Day to you all. My name is Robbie and I live in Edinburgh. My main occupation is a actor/performer. Naturally in this line of work job security is well... unpredictable. I'm a empathetic and considerate person and have enormous love and time for our domestic pals. So I thought why not earn whilst doing a job where I'll smile ear to ear. I currently don't own a pet, but in my family home located on a farm in fife, kind of resembles a George Orwell novel. I have vast experience in dealing with animals and I'll provide you professional and caring support for your fluffy friend. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions if you have any. Many Thanks for your time. Robbie.

Experience caring for

Small dogs < 20 lbs
Large dogs: 45-65 lbs
Medium dogs: 20-45 lbs

Services and pricing

Price per hour

Grooming £17 / hour

Price per session

Feeding £12 / visit
Walking £15 / walk
Day care £45 / day