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Pamela V.
NG17, Ashfield, Sutton-In-Ashfield
From £5 /hr
year exp.
From £5
Hourly rate

About Pamela

64 years old
I have worked in a veterinary practice for the last 14 years, in which time I have built up a special bond with our clients and their pets. As a favour and out of my love for their pets, I have looked after quite a few of their pets, I have done house visits whilst on holiday to feed their cats, administered medication when required and also taken to vets if needed. I have also taken dogs a walk if some of them have struggled to get back ome in their lunch break, or if they have been going out for the day and have been let down by their usual dog walker. Obviously I love animals, after working in a veterinary practice for so long and having two dogs of my own, I understand the bond between owners and their pets, their love for you is unconditional, they are very much part of the family. I love walking our dogs, and where we go they go, be it a walk and a meal or on has to be dog friendly. I understand this isn't possible for some people or not for everybody, however that doesn't mean they love their pets any the less than me, hence I want to offer my services.
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Small dogs < 20 lbs
Medium dogs: 20-45 lbs

Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding £5 / visit
Walking £9 / walk
Day care £18 / day