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Milta M.
YO10, York, York
From £5 /hr
year exp.
From £5
Hourly rate

About Milta

21 years old
I have been a pet owner for at least 10 years, ranging from small dogs like shih tzu to big dogs like labradors and german shepherds, cats and bunnies, and I have been a dog walker for almost 2 years assisting family and friends. I know how to handle various situations and if anything happens I am ready to act. Because I love dogs and cats, I would like to help people take care of their own pets and take some of the responsibilities of owning a pet out of their minds. I understand that everyone these days has a pretty heavy program and sometimes they don't have the time to walk their dogs, so I'm here to be of service to them. I am a Greek law student in York currently missing my own dog very much and I love outdoors. This is a great opportunity for me to go outside more and connect with nature.

Experience caring for

Young pets
Adult pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
Large dogs: 45-65 lbs
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Walking £7 / walk