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Marley S.
TW2, Richmond upon Thames, Twickenham
From £5 /hr
From £5
Hourly rate

About Marley

25 years old
I'm a very energetic and happy person who loves spending time with animals, I've always grown up around animals and find so much joy in spending time and playing with them. I'm currently at university studying acting, I'm very dedicated to everything I do in life and have a strong passion for bringing people happiness. Since moving to university I've missed spending time with my dogs and can't think of a better way to get that back than helping other people with their pets. I'm originally from the countryside so am used to going out on long walks and enjoy being out in nature.
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
Large dogs: 45-65 lbs
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Walking £8 / walk
Day care £25 / day