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Laura D.
M1, Manchester, Manchester
From £10 /hr
year exp.
From £10
Hourly rate

About Laura

48 years old
My pet care and experience comes from looking after my own pets for the last 40 years of my life. They're like children and treat them as such. I've got the personality to do this as I am loud, bubbly and playful. I give tummy rubs all the time, talk to them and just got so much love to give them. As soon as I see one of my animals not being themselves like not eating or not barking at nothing, I immediately take them to the vet. I'm responsible, in that I take them for their yearly vaccinations, get checked and although it's expensive, having their teeth cleaned, if dirty they can get tummy infections or their gums hurt so much they can't eat properly. I love both cats and dogs, cats fascinate me all the time with their personality's I'm a firm believer that dogs and cats although sometimes cats have a mind of their own to be allowed to sleep inside. Training them is vital when it comes to their business. I know one or two tricks when it's snack time.

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding £10 / visit
Walking £12 / walk
Day care £30 / day