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Jayden T.
SL7, Wycombe, Marlow
From £10 /hr
years exp.
From £10
Hourly rate

About Jayden

22 years old
I have a strong background in pet care, particularly in looking after dogs. For over a year, I've been responsible for the well-being of my partners parents two beloved dogs, each with their unique needs. I've cared for a lively, large flat coat retriever puppy, providing the exercise and attention essential for their growth and happiness. Additionally, I've nurtured a small and timid Jack Russell, offering the patience and gentle care required to help them overcome their rescue background. My experience in caring for these dogs has equipped me with skills in dog handling, training, and understanding their individual personalities. I'm enthusiastic about extending my pet care services to ensure the happiness and health of other dogs, and I look forward to sharing my dedication and expertise in a new setting.

Experience caring for

Young pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
Medium dogs: 20-45 lbs

Services and pricing

Price per session

Day care £50 / day
Feeding £10 / visit
Walking £12 / walk