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Izzy-Eloise S.
TW11, Richmond upon Thames, Teddington
From £5 /hr
year exp.
From £5
Hourly rate

About Izzy-Eloise

24 years old
My skills consist of waking long distances with dogs (I have a lurcher myself so know how much walking they need) but I also know how much time a specific dog needs walking depending on their age and their character. In my life I have had 2 lurchers (Ollie and Freddie, 10) and I have my stubborn Shnauzer, Suzy who is now 14 nearly 15. Throughout my life I have been taught how to care for a dog depending on what breed as I have looked after a broad range of dogs from boxers to pugs. I have also always had cats and know that they're extremely independent but also know that they need their cuddles as much as dogs do.
Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding £5 / visit
Walking £10 / walk
Overnight sitting £35 / night
Day care £35 / day