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Gabriela C.
SE15, Lewisham, London
From £9 /hr
year exp.
From £9
Hourly rate

About Gabriela

35 years old
Over the years, my passion for pets has grown into a rich tapestry of experiences and honed skills in pet care. Growing up surrounded by various pets, including dogs and cats, instilled in me a deep understanding of the responsibilities of ensuring their well-being. Additionally, I dedicated my time to volunteer work at the local animal shelter, where I engaged in tasks ranging from feeding and grooming to providing companionship for rescued animals. This hands-on experience strengthened my ability to handle diverse breeds and heightened my awareness of animal behavior and needs. As a pet sitter, I've cared for furry companions in their environments, adapted to their routines, and ensured their safety and happiness. Possessing a combination of skills, such as basic veterinary knowledge, I approach pet care with patience, empathy, and a commitment to maintaining a positive and enriching environment for our beloved companions.

Experience caring for

Young pets
Elderly pets
Adult pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs

Services and pricing

Price per session

Day care £40 / day
Walking £9 / walk