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Ellie B.
WS15, Lichfield, Rugeley
From £8 /hr
From £8
Hourly rate

About Ellie

19 years old
I have always loved spending time with animals and would love to have my own dog, but my family have not been able to due to work. This means I take care of dogs to help out family/friends whenever I can. These have been dogs of different sizes and with different physical needs. I know pet owners don’t always have the time because of work, other duties or just wanting a day/night out, so I am always happy to help. I am currently unemployed, so I have a lot of free time to walk, play, and care for your pets whenever I can. I have a decent sized garden for doggy daycare, where pets can burn off some energy in my home. There’s the canal, river, and fields right on my doorstep for whenever dogs need a quick potty break; and many different routes near me for lovely walks (including cannock chase, only a short drive away), whether they are longer or shorter. We previously had a small mouse named Jerry, who sadly died over a year ago, but she was a little ball of energy and loved crawling up my arms to my shoulders. I do love the time I get to spend with pets, whether that’s running around with dogs and throwing their favourite toys, or sitting down with cats/hamsters etc, anything is worth it!
Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Small mammal(s)
Small dogs < 20 lbs
Medium dogs: 20-45 lbs

Services and pricing

Price per hour

Transportation £8 / hour

Price per session

Feeding £10 / visit
Walking £10 / walk
Day care £24 / day