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Elif B.
N22, Haringey, London
From £5 /hr
year exp.
From £5
Hourly rate

About Elif

34 years old
I had a budgie when I was growing up. It lived 10 happy years. I have 2 cats, been taking care of them for the last two years. I did took care of my friend’s cat and poodle (medium size) whilst i had my cats, in the same house. (I know crazy!) 4 years ago i took care of another friend’s cat and pomegranian for 3 monhts (visited, walked, played spent time together, fed) . i also pet sitted another friend’s cat for a week, did pretty much the same. A friend of mine who is a dog trainer (which i have learned a lot from) has 3 dogs so i get to hang out with them walk with them a lot. So i also know my way around dogs like cats. I moved here so i had to TEMPORARILY leave my cats with my mom so i do miss having contact with them and animals in general cuz a lot of my friends have pets so i was socializing with tons of animals.. so even though i want to make extra money, this service mostly comes from the bottom of my heart..

Experience caring for

Reptile(s) / Amphibian(s)
Small mammal(s)
Exotic pet(s)
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding £5 / visit
Walking £7 / walk
Overnight sitting £25 / night
Day care £25 / day