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Take The Lead Dog Walking
NN17, Corby, Corby
From £8 /hr
years exp.
From £8
Hourly rate

About Dwayne

37 years old
Hi, I'm dwayne. I'm just starting a dog walking business or trying, I'm 37 and i would say the majority of my life I've had dogs so why not get paid to do what I love, and walk dogs. I have 2 dogs at home, Luna is an American bulldog and Reggie is a xl bully. They are great family dogs. I am animal first aid and health and nutrition trained with certificates. The business is called Take The Lead Dog Walking. Hopefully it's successful.
Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
Large dogs: 45-65 lbs
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Services and pricing

Price per hour

Transportation £12 / hour
Training £9 / hour

Price per session

Feeding £8 / visit
Walking £16 / walk
Day care £25 / day