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Chu Chun L.
DD2, West End, Dundee
From £6 /hr
year exp.
From £6
Hourly rate

About Chu Chun

28 years old
With over 15 years of experience in pet care, I possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise that sets me apart from other sitters. I am genuinely passionate about animals and believe in treating them with the utmost care and respect. I approach every pet with love and compassion, establishing a bond based on trust and understanding. I take the time to listen to pet owners, ensuring I meet their expectations and provide regular updates to ease their concerns while they are away. In summary, my extensive experience in pet care, specialised skills in training puppies, and genuine passion for animals distinguish me as a top-tier pet sitter. I am dedicated to providing the highest level of care, ensuring the well-being and happiness of every furry companion entrusted to my care. I currently have full-day availability and can provide long-duration services. Pet owners can entrust their beloved pets to me at any time. I will care for them with the utmost sincerity.

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding £6 / visit
Walking £10 / walk
Day care £19 / day