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Cerys L.
SE3, Greenwich, London
From £10 /hr
year exp.
From £10
Hourly rate

About Cerys

22 years old
Hello, I'm Cerys, and I'm twenty-one years old. Since I was six years I've owned both dogs and cats in many different breeds so I have a great understanding of different behaviour and understanding of dogs and cats. I currently have two dog's: Poppy, a jack Russell cross pug who is laid back and loves to cuddle, and Spike, a French bulldog who is energetic and but also enjoys a good cuddle. Your pets will receive plenty of love and care from me, as well as excellent care. I would really love to spend sometime with more animals and think my dogs will appreciate any new friends. I drive and live close my to Greenwich park and other parks. I'm currently home most of the time so I would be happy to accommodate your pets needs in which ever way needed. I can give medication or even simply check on them when you need me to. I'm also of course available for dog walks and home visits......
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
Medium dogs: 20-45 lbs

Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding £10 / visit
Walking £15 / walk
Overnight sitting £35 / night
Day care £30 / day