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Beste E.
N22, Haringey, London
From £20 /hr
year exp.
From £20
Hourly rate

About Beste

33 years old
Hello, I'm 32 years old and I work from home, so I want a valid reason to go out and have additional income. I thought that the best way to do this would be to be friends with a cat. I've always had a cat friend since I was a kid. All of them still have a special place. In fact, they all have a special character and one has to figure out how to communicate with them. One of my cats was deaf, and with him, I learned very specific things about cat behaviour. And I didn't adopt a cat after he left. It's always fun to spend time with and get to know them. I would be very happy if you choose me for your cat to have another new friend. :) I will follow your instructions

Experience caring for


Services and pricing

Price per session

Overnight sitting £45 / night
Day care £20 / day
Feeding £20 / visit