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Aslan K.
N16, Islington, London
From £11 /hr
years exp.
From £11
Hourly rate

About Aslan

20 years old
I've taken care of my family dog, the cutest King Charles Spaniel, for several years and I was the main dog walker in the family. I used to, and still do, when I visit home, take him on lengthy walks through nature reserves and the countryside. I'm aware of how much a walk can make a dog truly happy, and I love and appreciate nature, so I will always walk them and take care of them with love. I'm a university student in London, so I don't get to see my dog that often, so this would be a lovely opportunity for me to lovingly reconnect with animals on a more regular basis. I enjoy the walking just as much as the dog! I can walk your dog, take care of them during the day/overnight, anything really, as I have a lot of experience in taking care of my family dog.

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
Medium dogs: 20-45 lbs

Services and pricing

Price per session

Walking £11 / walk
Overnight sitting £35 / night
Day care £35 / day