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Alin M.
NE2, Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle Upon Tyne
From £10 /hr
year exp.
From £10
Hourly rate

About Alin

19 years old
I've had pets for years until recently, and usually I am pretty good with animals (except those that are aggressive by nature but even them have one thing they really like which if you give it to them, the lower their guard and are actually just really playful). I can keep almost any dog or cat occupied to the point they get exhausted and then I like to just pick them up in my arms and just let them sleep there until I have to do something else. I can deal with basically anything in regards to pets, tho maybe things I haven't encountered yet. I've never had to take a pet to the vet and I hope to God that I will never have to.

Experience caring for

Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 20 lbs
Medium dogs: 20-45 lbs

Services and pricing

Price per hour

Transportation £10 / hour

Price per session

Walking £10 / walk
Overnight sitting £27 / night