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Wazed C.
DD4, Maryfield, Dundee
From £9 /hr
From £9
Hourly rate

About Wazed

29 years old
Whilst browsing the job adverts on the website, I came across your vacancy for a Cleaner and was immediately attracted to it. Though I don’t have any experience to work as a cleaner, but I worked in the kitchen of a restaurant. This enabled me to gain an experience of sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, and vacuuming floor areas. In addition to this I know how to clean fixtures such as desks, sinks and windows, as well as how to empty, clean and sanitize waste baskets. As a physical fit individual, I will have no problem walking, stooping, kneeling, crouching, or crawling to get a job done. I can lift and carry heavy loads up and down stairs and I am comfortable performing a role that is physically demanding.


Household help

Window cleaning
Floor cleaning