Eugenie Y.
Antra works for me part-time and I cannot recommend her highly enough. She has already proven herself a competent helper around the home, attentively and responsibly carrying out household duties such as laundry, cooking, child care, cleaning and housekeeping. She is courteous and polite to all members of my family and behaves in a friendly and professional manner. Her work is both of exceptional quality and of remarkable effectiveness: Antra diligently assigns herself to a task and remains focussed upon it until it is done well. This means, for me, that she delivers excellent value for money.
Due to her continuous efforts, my house always remains clean, clothes are neatly hung, and my six-year-old daughter is well looked after. Antra has been fully trusted, and has never given me any chance to doubt her integrity or reliability; her deep sense of responsibility is unquestionable.(Dr. Eugenie Y. (AM))