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Aaliyah H.
DY5, Dudley, Brierley Hill
From £12 /hr
years exp.
From £12
Hourly rate

About Aaliyah

21 years old
My role as a carer is to ensure that the residents are given a high standard of care this means working as a team enthusiastically to make sure they are happy and well looked after, this is done by putting their emotional and physical well-being first. My job is assisting the elderly with day to day needs; personal care, eating, pushing fluids etc. Whilst also making sure their home is clean and tidy. I have worked as a carer for just over a year and I love to help people with needs, I love to make their lives easier and make sure they get the best out of the rest of their lives. In my last job I looked after residents with different needs, residents with all different stages of dementia, bipolar, challenging behavior, bed bound and end of life. I am a out there person when around the elderly I like to make them happy I like to dance and sing with them. I like to give them something to make them feel good which is why I enjoy painting nails and doing hair. I also really enjoy getting to know residents, making bonds and cherishing their memories with them.
Comfortable with pets Experience with nursing


Mobility support
Meal preparation
Personal care (e.g washing, dressing)
Errands / Shopping


Healthcare Assistant