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Ellie O.
SO41, New Forest, Lymington
From £15 /hr
year exp.
From £15
Hourly rate
Response rate

About Ellie

24 years old Speaks English
I'm Ellie, I am 20 years old and I have worked in child care for 4 years. I am level 2 qualified in childcare early years with 4 years experience. This year I have just renewed and completed my first aid, food hygiene, safeguarding. I also have many others and feel free to ask. for me the children always come first and always have fun things planed for the children's day, but is also educational for their age. I am always on time and help work alongside parents to help them out as much as I can. I believe children should experience lots of out door play and spend lost of their day exploring the world around them. so my days with the children will always include exploring outside. I have been in a childcare setting mainly working with babies, also have experience with pre-school children and in-between. I'm hard working and have a good work ethic. I have baby sat for many family all who I work very close with. now I want to broaden my skill and help other family's.
Non-smoker Comfortable with pets

Experience caring for

Toddlers (1-3 years)
Newborns (up to 12 months)
Early school age (4-6 years)
Experience with twins
Can care for 4 or more children


Cooking / Meal preparation
Light housekeeping
Putting kids to bed
Activities (e.g. swimming)


Early Years Educator
First Aid Certificate