Childcare in South Ribble

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Amira Z.
  • From £12 /hr
  • South Ribble
Creative and experienced nanny looking for part-time work
| I have gained a lot of experience in childcare through looking after siblings, working as an after-school and part-time nanny and from working in an after-school club. In past work, I also helped children with special needs, autism, and I am used to looking after a group of children at various ages. I am always happy to help with housework, and I am fine with pets. In my free time, I enjoy doing art, which is something I also like to engage children in. Currently, I am looking for a part-time position and am available Monday - Saturday on afternoons and evenings. If you are interested, please leave a message.
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  • From £12 /hr
  • South Ribble
Creative and experienced nanny looking for part-time work
| I have gained a lot of experience in childcare through looking after siblings, working as an after-school and part-time nanny and from working in an after-school club. In past work, I also helped children with special needs, autism, and I am used to looking after a group of children at various ages. I am always happy to help with housework, and I am fine with pets. In my free time, I enjoy doing art, which is something I also like to engage children in. Currently, I am looking for a part-time position and am available Monday - Saturday on afternoons and evenings. If you are interested, please leave a message.
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From £12 per hour \
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Childcare in South Ribble

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