Childcare in Rother

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When do you need childcare?
Caira C.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Rother
creative and relaxed babysitter available to earn some extra income. Housekeeping available.
| previously worked with nursery aged and primary aged children for college courses. Have my own younger siblings who I help care for so I have some experience. Always wanted to work with kids as I feel it’s amazing watching them develop their own personalities and quirks. I have a relaxed and creative approach to babysitting (art, games, reading, going for walks, playing) and would love to be able to share and be given the opportunity to show that with others. Level 2 qualified in childcare from college. Unfortunately can’t drive so being near preferred. Very flexible hours available and reasonably priced at £10 an hour. Also available for tasks such as housekeeping.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Rother
creative and relaxed babysitter available to earn some extra income. Housekeeping available.
| previously worked with nursery aged and primary aged children for college courses. Have my own younger siblings who I help care for so I have some experience. Always wanted to work with kids as I feel it’s amazing watching them develop their own personalities and quirks. I have a relaxed and creative approach to babysitting (art, games, reading, going for walks, playing) and would love to be able to share and be given the opportunity to show that with others. Level 2 qualified in childcare from college. Unfortunately can’t drive so being near preferred. Very flexible hours available and reasonably priced at £10 an hour. Also available for tasks such as housekeeping.
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From £10 per hour \
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Childcare in Rother

When do you need childcare?